
Nu sitter jag här i skolan igen och tråkar ihjäl, trots att jag gör samma saker som jag brukar göra hemma, alltå, ingenting. Vill skriva på min novell, men vet inte hur jag ska formulera mig. Ska jag berätta om den stackars lilla flickan, eller ska hon få berätta sin egen historia? Hur börjar man? Jag har redan skrivit lite men vill skriva om. Jag vill att det ska bli en fin saga.

Sometimes when people loose things and forget about them. When they look for them, the things seem to have diappeared. They have to be somewhere, right? They don't disappear entirely, of course.

They do disappear from our world though. When there are no longer any ties to this world left, they instead appear in another world. No one has ever been able to find this world. But some people claim to know it's there.

There are no humans in this other world. It is not made for living creatures. It has never happened that a human has lost all it's ties to their world that completely before death have occured.

It is the land of the lost things. A world of things with just a past.
A place where things loose their future.

There are no humans in this other world. It is not made for living creatures.

Detta är sagan som min novell liksom ska handla om :P

Att skriva novell är jobbigt :C

Jag insåg just att min tyska-lektion börjar om 17 minuter, och jag har inte hjort läxan. ¡Wonderful!



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